God is good all the time, & all the time God is good
You know when you're little, you want to be things out of the ordinary. You really don't know what you want to do when you grow up. I have wanted to be a teacher, since day 1 of kindergarten. I never thought that 2 months away from graduation, I'd say the same thing. In kindergarten, I wanted to be just a teacher, in middle school I wanted to be a fifth grade teacher, in ninth grade I wanted to be a second grade teacher. What happened to the other three years of high school? Well read on..
The summer between my sophomore year and my junior year my family changed churches. We fell in love with the people at the church, and how inviting they treated us. There was one little boy who MELTED my heart. Never in my life seen anyone like him, and completely fell in love (he was in 3rd grade, NOT a teenager). After talking to him and telling him my name, he called my name looking for me every Wednesday, and Sunday. He would look for me on Wednesday's to eat dinner with me, ...