
Showing posts from February, 2016

Believe in Yourself

     Sometimes believing in yourself can be rather hard to some people. Others believe that they are able to conquer the world. I would be in the group that struggles with believing in myself. I learned (and still am learning) that you have to believe in yourself to accomplish your dreams.      Between my college classes, taking 3 big tests and making some decisions, I was feeling stressed. I felt like I was not prepared for the test I was scheduled to take on Saturday. I felt as if I had not given myself enough time to study. I just knew I was going to end up retaking the test (again). I decided Saturday morning that I am the only person that can reach for what I want and I can't do that until I believe in myself. I remember when I was younger (and still today) my mom always telling me that I am the only person that doesn't believe in me. I am very blessed to have a mother, father, and sister that push me to do my best. I have an awesome boyfriend that n...