Forever grateful

   I have one day of high school left, and ten days until my high school graduation. I am so thankful for everything that I have been so blessed with throughout these years.
   Even though the first half of my senior year really did not happen the way I wanted it to, I am still thankful for my family and friends. It makes me sad that my Granny and Papa will not be there to see me graduate, I still know they are proud. In my mind it is "not fair" because they both got to see my sister graduate (two years ago). I know and understand that everything is not fair in life (thanks to my mom for teaching me that everything can not always go my way), and also that it was God's plan. He must have something great in store and I can not wait to see what that is.
   The other morning I went with my sister to get breakfast at chick-fil-a before I went to school, and she went to work. Before we ate she prayed, she prayed about being thankful for me, and that I was graduating, praying about my path in life. It really never actually hit me that I am for real graduating high school and on to college. Obviously I knew that it was my senior year, and that I knew I was graduating. But this morning as my sister prayed, she was getting kinda sad by it, and I realized that this is real and happened fast. I know that my sister loves me so much and I remember two years ago when she graduated, I was sad also. Even though when she graduated, she was a little more motivated than me and also had accomplished more. I love my sister and would not trade her for the world. While my sister is going to Auburn University, I am so thankful that she is able to come home for the summer and actually relax. Instead of doing school she actually gets to be apart of something really amazing and I am extremely proud of her for doing what God intended for her to do.
   My parents call them annuals but we call them yearbooks. Today I got my senior yearbook, but last yearbook ever. While I am a little sad that high school is over, I am ready to start the next chapter. Its going to be awesome (maybe not all of the school, but the results).
 I am extremely thankful for....
My mom, through all 13 of my school years she pushed me. Even though I never wanted to erase my bad handwriting to rewrite my vocab words, it paid off in the end. Even though you could not get us up and ready for school, you spent the afternoons with us. Through thick and thin we have been. I love my mother with all of my heart. And I wish just one more time she could read me my favorite book, just like when I was little. I appreciate you more than you know. You have been the best mom to Savannah and I. We love and appreciate everything you do for us. You have always supported us with whatever we were doing. You always encouraged us to do what our heart says. I will forever be your baby girl. I love you.
***If there is one thing I would want to leave to younger children, it would be that: Your mother is right. Don't waste your breathe to argue. Moms are most of the time right. We all hate being wrong but I am telling you, later you will regret it. ***
My dad, even though when mom went to work at wee hours of the early morning you got us up and ready and to school (on time). Yes I wanted Pig-tails, but you could not do them... nor could I so there's that. You would pick out my clothes every morning and in the winter even dry them. You'd make us hot chocolate and drinks. I love you with all my little heart. I appreciate you more than you know. You are a big blessing to our family, I am blessed to have not only you as a dad but a Youth Pastor as well. You have been the best dad, while going through school, working and being busy with cheer and FCCLA.  I will forever be your little princess.
***If there is one thing I would want to leave to younger children, It would be that: Never take for granted your parents or grandparents. Give them hugs, kisses and snuggles while you can. They will unfortunately not always be there.***
My sister, my best friend, my other half, my side kick, my "main", my partner in crime. You have encouraged me to do my best in life and never give up. I am forever grateful for you in my life. I could not thank you enough for all that you have given me, and have done for me. I am so happy for your accomplishments and I couldn't be more proud to call you MY sister. I cant believe that it has been two years since you were where I am now. Hard to believe but your "princess" is growing up.
***If there is one thing I would want to leave to younger children, it would be that: Love on your siblings, as much as you fight you really do love each other. When you separate you will wish that you have loved more and fought less.***
My real friends, I thank all of my close friends for loving me and being awesome friends through out this year. Thank you Kayla and Kaitlyn. It really is amazing how fast someone can become such good friends. Thank you guys for keeping me accountable with the Lord and in the right direction. I love both of you.
***If there is one thing I would want to leave to younger children, it would be that: Make friends and have a good time, Love the lord and never let anyone tell you, you are not good enough. Be strong in your faith.***

   God has blessed me with amazing friends and family. I am so blessed to be able to let the Lord use my talents and be able to serve Him. I can only thank ultimately one person for getting me through my senior year. God. I am so thankful to apart of something amazing. My journey does not end here, I can not wait to continue down this path that God has led me down. Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me, or prayed for me during this time. You are wonderful.

Joshua 1:9
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go."

I am forever grateful.


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